Its a very very long time since i penned down a blogpost. Probably i had even forgotten all about its existence until a friend recently asked if i have a blog after reading an email of mine! Sometimes you need others to tell you that you are good at something because life goes on monotonously until you realise you should stop and celebrate it!
The last year has been one of unforseen tornadoes in my life , ones that shook my roots and made me unconditionally grateful for the things i have. One that made me hope. One that reiterated my belief in faith and goodness. One that made me pray really hard. And one that i will never ever forget.
My parents had major health setbacks with hospitalisation. Five surgeries between them,with two of them being emergency life saving surgeries. Innumerable hospital visits. Umpteen opinions sought from doctors in other hospitals. Fear of something going wrong. And last but not the least, fear that you might lose them. That last feeling shakes up your roots and leaves you devastated. Even when there is a possibility of things getting back to normalcy, human mind can't stop pondering over things not in your control especially when loves ones are affected. Lots of prayers, good wishes and faith have helped me see through it. Thankful that they are alright now. Though not like how they were, before all this ordeal but i am thankful that they are alright. Thankful that i can still have a meal with them at home.Thankful that they spend time with my little ones. Sometimes the simplest of things mean so much especially when you have faced a what if things had gone wrong phase.
I should share a miracle that helped us see through this. We were blessed with a tiny human who has lit up our lives immensely. He is our rainbow baby and his news came as a surprise to us. I realised i was carrying this tiny human just before my mom's surgery and i was a mixed bag of emotions. I cannot even pen down those emotions in words as i went through happiness, sadness, fear, excitement, hope, faith all at once. The hope of a new life gave my parents a lot of faith that they will get better. Its been very tough for them to see themselves down and not being able to help me during this time. But i am grateful that we have been able to see through all that. Life is unpredictable indeed!!
Signing off with lot of gratitude, happiness and joy!